Notice of international student essay and short video contest
Dear International Students:
In order to welcome the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 65th anniversary of the founding of SDUT, school of international education will hold My Story with SDUT - an essay and short video contest for international students. The contest aims to encourage international students to tell their own stories with Shandong University of Technology from a unique first-person perspective, show their study and life experiences during their school years, and record their sincere feelings and precious insights.
precious insights.
Genre and requirements
Essay Contest
1.The work should be closely related to the university life.
2.The title of the article is self-drafted, the style is not limited, the length is about 1,000 words, and must be written in Chinese.
3.Contributions must be original articles that have not been publicly published. Plagiarism and adaptation are strictly forbidden. Violators will be disqualified from participation.
4.Note the authors’ information below the title of the article: name, nationality, school, grade, major.
Video contest
1.The work should be closely related to the university life and from the perspective of the relationship with SDUT.
2.The title of the video is self-designed, the filming method is not limited, the video is recorded in Chinese (or English) and must be equipped with English (or Chinese) subtitles. Groups can be formed to participate, or individuals can register to participate in the contest.
3.Video duration is not more than 3 minutes, format: MP4.
Contest arrangement
1 Send entries to email 1053101827@qq.com, before 23 April 2021.
2.School of international education will announce the final results and recognizes the winning individual or collectively. The specific award time will be notified separately.
School of International Education
7 April 2021